Assessing Speaking in Context – New Trends
A conference to explore new ideas within the paradigm of the assessment of language use in context
May 4-5, 2018

The Center for Languages and Intercultural Communication (CLIC) at Rice University is pleased to invite proposals for the 2018 CLIC Conference on Assessing Speaking in Context: New Trends.


The conference will take place at Rice University in Houston, TX. The program will include two full days of sessions on Friday and Saturday, May 4 – 5, 2018.


This conference will bring together researchers and teachers who have conducted research on various aspects of the assessment of speaking competence in a second language in a variety of contexts. The goals of the meetings and discussions during this two-day event are to:

  1. assess the relevance and impact of previous ideas, models and practices about the assessment of speaking abilities and propose, describe and
  2. propose, describe, and justify newproposals stemming from new theoretical perspectives and innovative practices on the topics of assessment and speaking in context.

We welcome proposals from all theoretical perspectives and a variety of methodological procedures.


Proposals should be submitted by email to clic-conferences@rice.edu no later than January 31, 2018. All proposals should include a title and an abstract (max. 500 words) and a list of the references cited if applicable. Please include your name, affiliation, and contact information in the body of the email. Please also indicate whether you would prefer to present a paper or a poster (and please note that you may be asked to present either).


Proposals will be evaluated according to:

  • The relevance of the Research questions,
  • The data/findings used to ascertain those questions,
  • The argument/theoretical proposal to frame the findings, and
  • The implications the study may have for future research on the general topic.